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Why choose marine cargo insurance?
You can never be to sure when it comes to all the different risks that your cargo goes through on its journey from A to B so let us assist in ensuring the correct cargo insurance is provided.
Is your cargo moving by Sea, Air, Rail and/or Road?
Whilst we endeavour to ensure the safe delivery of your cargo there are certain risks associated with the logistics chain that are completely out of our control.

Did you know that you may be responsible for the general average contribution to the shipowner although your cargo is not lost or damaged?

A marine cargo insurance policy covers physical loss and/or damage to the cargo as well as General Average contributions.

Customs has marine cargo insurance in place with Prestgroup (Pty) Ltd a specialised cargo insurance broker (FSP 165).

In terms of the insurance facility, Atrax is authorised to perform intermediary functions which eliminates time consuming administrative tasks for our cargo owners.

Avoid the risk of exporting or importing cargo without controlling the insurance and request an insurance quote.